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Find assessments, tests, helpful articles and other goodies here to help you on your journey.


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To understand yourself and your partner or family members better, complete the Enneagram Personality Test.


Have your results ready for your second session.

There are no right or wrong personalities, we have a mixture of all 9 types within us, and each type has strengths and weaknesses. (*Do the FREE test).


To find out the strengths and obstacles of your personality combined with your partner, family member or friend, click below.


There is no such thing as incompatibility, just different strengths and obstacles. This helps each persona know how to better get along and understand their partner or family members. 


Let us better help you understand yourself and those people most important to you to improve your relationships and connections.


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We all speak different loves languages. We tend to have a top 1 or 2 that are most important to us. Even then, there are different dialects within each. The different love languages are:








By knowing your love language, you are able to connect with others more effectively and meet your love needs while meeting the love needs of others.

Often times we are trying so hard to get our own love need met, that we ignore our partner's or other significant people in our lives. This can lead to disconnection and dissatisfaction within the relationship.

Keep in mind that Love Languages change over time and circumstances.

Let us help you find out how you give and receive love to create the lasting and fulfilling relationships you want and deserve.


Do I have ANXIETY?

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Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

This is a self-report measure of anxiety. Although this measure cannot diagnose you with anxiety, it can indicate if you have the symptoms that correspond with anxiety.

Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety. Please carefully read each item in the list. Indicate how much you have been bothered by that symptom during the past month, including today, by circling the number in the corresponding space in the column next to each symptom.

The total score is calculated by finding the sum of the 21 items. Score of 0-21 = low anxiety
Score of 22-35 = moderate anxiety
Score of 36 and above = potentially concerning levels of anxiety

If you have a total score of 22 or above, it indicates that anxiety is present in your life to a degree that it is most likely disruptive and interfering with your quality of life. We can help you understand how anxiety works, teach you skills to reduce and manage the anxiety you are experiencing, and how to change the anxiety thoughts into constructive ones.


Anxiety plays tricks on how we think. There are 13 different ways that our brain tricks us. We will help you identify the most common ones and how to challenge and overcome them. Before you know it, you will be enjoying life without the stress, fear, worry, or uncomfortable physical symptoms.


References: Beck, A.T., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, R.A. (1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety:

Psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 893-897.



Beck Depression Inventory 

This is a self-report measure of depression. Although this measure cannot diagnose you with depression, it can indicate if you have the symptoms that correspond with depression. 


This depression inventory can be self-scored. The scoring scale is at the end of the questionnaire.

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Now that you have completed the questionnaire, add up the score for each of the twenty-one questions by counting the number to the right of each question you marked. The highest possible total for the whole test would be sixty-three. This would mean you circled number three on all twenty-one questions. Since the lowest possible score for each question is zero, the lowest possible score for the test would be zero. This would mean you circles zero on each question. You can evaluate your depression according to the Table below.


Total Score______________  Levels of Depression


1-10 These ups and downs are considered normal

11-16 Mild mood disturbance

17-20 Borderline clinical depression

21-30 Moderate depression

31-40 Severe depression

Over 40 Extreme depression

If you have a total score of 17 or above, it indicates that depressive symptoms are interfering in your life to a degree that you would benefit from useful tools and therapeutic intervention to prevent depression from getting a deeper hold on your life.

We can help you understand how depression works, teach you skills to reduce and manage the depressive symptoms you are experiencing, and how to change the depressive thoughts into constructive ones, find purpose and meaning, and restore your quality of life. Depression affects not only yourself, but those you care about most. Let's be proactive and work through it together.




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